Laboratorio colaborativo arte contemporáneo en Lima
A cargo de Martin Gustavsson y Rhodas Cnbl

Miércoles 2 de Noviembre - Viernes 16 de Diciembre de 2016

Proyecto AMIL

Fecha limite de recepción de aplicaciones: sábado 15 de octubre
Selección de alumnos: sábado 22 de octubre

Esther Kläs

Born in 1981, in Mainz, Germany, the artist currently lives and works in Barcelona, Spain. Recent exhibitions include Whatness, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany (2015); Girare Con Te, Marino Marini Museum, Florence; Italy (2014), Esther Kläs: Better Energy, MoMA PS1, NY (2012).

Maria Abaddon

(b. 1988)

Its roots clean the water



Beings composed of bones and withered plants, their presence in staged scenes evoking inert stability. The artist assembles torn human bodys, worked into being with fabric, wax and thread.

Concurrently, Abaddon explores the institution as a subject of artwork, in a project called Escuela Libre de Arte (ELA), that is an exquisite corpse, a creative collection.


Proyecto AMIL is pleased to announce that Esther Kläs will be the 2017 artist-in-residence in Lima.

Her three month residency will begin at the end of January when she makes an exploratory trip to the Peruvian jungle accompanied by writer, curator and friend, Philip Larratt-Smith. Their experiences together will be the subject of a publication to be released in the second half of the year. 


Kläs has developed a distinct visual language, combining post-war abstraction and minimalism with a physical sense of the body and its subjectivity.

Smiljan Radic

A conversation with
Smiljan Radic & Armando Andrade de Lucio

introduction by Juan Carlos Verme

Tuesday, 27 September

Proyecto AMIL


This coming Tuesday, Proyecto AMIL invites you to conversation with Chilean architect Smiljan Radic and Armando Andrade de Lucio. The pair will be introduced by Juan Carlos Verme.

Elena Tejada-Herrera: PAPER ANIMALS

performance workshop of collective creation

Directed by: Elena Tejada-Herrera

Saturday, 1 October, 3pm​
Proyecto AMIL, Lima


In the context of Videos From This Woman: Performance Documentation 1997-2010, Elena Tejada-Herrera and Proyecto AMIL invites the public to participate in: PAPER ANIMALS- performance workshop of collective creation


video,  1’ 50’’
1 - 15 September 2016

Since the beginning of her artistic practice, Elena Tejada-Herrera has sought to conceive an alternative model for the circulation and dissemination of her work, based on guerrilla interventions in the urban and virtual public space. In the context of the exhibition Videos From This Woman: Performance Documentation 1997-2010, the artist occupies the Proyecto AMIL website with DOMESTIC CRIMES, a video produced in Virginia (USA) in 2004.