

28 June 3pm – 11pm

29 June 3pm – 9pm

30 June 3pm – 11pm







A sound project by Efraín Rozas, peruvian interdisciplinary artist and composer.

During his residency at The Kitchen in Queenslab (New York), and in the context of a global health emergency - which radically reoriented the ways in which we know life -, Efrain developed the conceptual basis of "Still".

Mercenario II - Charla 2

In the context of Ian Tevo´s Mercenario II exhibition, we invite you to a conversation between the artist and special guests Pablo Bravo, Kayra Flores, Jheinser Pacaya, and Macarena Puelles.


Thursday, January 12th, 2023






Centro Comercial Camino Real 

Av. Camino Real 348, basement. San Isidro.

Free entry


About the participants

Haciendo Contexto VI

Collaborative Laboratory of Contemporary Art in Lima

Led by Martin Gustavsson and Rodrigo Gómez Olivos


12 February – 30 March 2023





Application deadline: Monday 23 January 2023

Participants selection: Monday 30 January 2023


Visita Guiada Ian Tevo

Te invitamos a la visita guiada de la muestra Mercenario II, junto al artista Ian Tevo y al curador de la exposición, Jorge Villacorta.

Además, sé parte de la charla entre el artista, el curador y los trabajadores sexuales participantes: Mr. Robert, Davicito El Gato y Chico de las Redes.

Sábado 10 de diciembre de 2022

Av. Camino Real 348, sótano. San Isidro.
Ingreso libre